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PrimeFaces Mobile 11 released


About PrimeFaces

PrimeFaces Logo

PrimeFaces is a GUI framework for Java JSF containing many great visual and functional user interfaces components within the Java Enterprise (Java EE) context.

They also included dedicated mobile components based on jQuery mobile allowing the developers to quickly create mobile only applications. In 2017 PrimeTek, the company behind PrimeFaces decided to optimize their core components to follow the responsive paradigm they deprecated mobile and removed it in PrimeFaces 7 release.


This decision was a problem for us, since our delivery driver app used their mobile components and required a lot of time to develop. Further there were no responsive replacements yet for certain components so our whole application was stuck at PrimeFaces 6.1, the last stable version with mobile components since 2017.


Hindering our own development we had two options to select one for the future.

  1. Redesign our delivery app
  2. Migrate mobile components into separate library to work with later PrimeFaces versions

Since programming and challenges are our passion we decided for the second. Further this way we can give back our share to the open source community, since other people requested this. As a conclusion it was also faster and a better learning experience then redesigning our delivery app.

Devices mobile

Mobile 11


I forked PrimeFaces Mobile 0.9, yes ironically the mobile components and renderkit were a separate library in the past. Then i added the mobile components of version 6.1 and pushed it to my Github - PrimeFaces Mobile 11.


I extracted the mobile components and demo pages from the legacy showcase and migrated them also and pushed this release to Github - PrimeFaces Mobile Showcase and also deployed the showcase to our servers.

Autor: Marco Janc